Mission Statement
Maoris was born with the story of a girl with Down syndrome. She has been brought up with a nurturing education as well as the love and wisdom of many people, including parents, teachers, therapist, and friends. From the beginning, everybody believed in this girl’s growth. Out of this collective love and wisdom, this young girl received the gift of being able to fulfill her potential. We at Maoris want to share this gift with children all over the country. Every individual offers their own insight and experience. It is our vision that as we bring together all of our unique talents and points of view, we will not only improve these children’s lives but contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.
Towards a society that recognizes the diversity of children
Maoris provides knowledge about inclusive education and gathers together people who live with or work with children with developmental delays. As the adults in this community build connections and share their wisdom, they promote the further development of the children. All societies that strive for health and diversity must begin with the education and nurturing of their children. No individual is summed up by a “disability.” Everybody is different. Some people are taller than others, some are shorter. Likewise, everyone’s way of thinking, and learning has its own rhythms, as well as their use of language and style of expressing themselves. Maoris’ goal is to encourage recognition of diversity by showing how each individual offers a unique contribution to society.